Campus Network Acceptable User Policy

  • The whole campus network is maintained for strictly professional purposes: education and scientific research.
  • Violations of system or network security are prohibited and may result in criminal and civil liability. Bilkent University will investigate incidents involving such violations and will cooperate with law enforcement if a criminal violation is suspected.
  • Bilkent University network may not be used for any of the following:
    • Downloading and/or uploading files for non-academic purposes (this includes all kinds of P2P file sharing and BitTorrent downloads);
    • sending unsolicited mail messages including commercial advertising or informational announcements (sending SPAM mail);
    • generating highly disruptive traffic patterns, which affect the quality of service on the campus network;
    • the creation and transmission (other than for properly supervised and lawful research purposes) of any offensive, obscene or indecent images, data or other material;
    • the creation and transmission of material which is likely to cause annoyance, inconvenience or needless anxiety;
    • the creation and transmission of defamatory (injuring other's reputation) material;
    • the transmission of material (including, without limitation; the works in the form of text, article, book, film, music) such that this infringes the copyright of another person;
    • the deliberate unauthorized access to national or international services accesssible via campus network;
    • deliberate activities with any of the following characteristics:
      • corrupting or destroying other users' data;
      • violating the privacy of other users;
      • disrupting the work of other users;
      • creating traffic in a way that denies service to other users;
      • continuing to use software that the university network administration has requested to be ceased because it is causing unnecessary traffic and disrupting the correct functioning of campus network.
  • University network administration reserves the right to limit or completely block the network access of users who do not comply with this policy.
  • Network access of virus/worm infected computers, computers that run file sharing software (P2P, Bittorrent, etc.) and those who have keyloggers will be cut off for a week on the first incidence. The cutoff will be two weeks on the second incidence and indefinitely on the third incidence. It is the owners' responsibility to take preacutions in order to avoid virus/worm infection and avoid installation of keyloggers and other malicious software.
  • A "Fair Use Policy" is enforced on the campus network.
  • Network access of those users who circumvent or try to do so, the security of the campus network and its resources will be blocked indefinitely and all associated accounts will be closed. Disciplinary or legal actions will immediately follow.
  • Everybody will automatically be considered to have accepted the above terms once they start using the university network facilities.